Wedding Day Poem

“When my darling niece Libby was getting married, I pondered what would be a special enough gift of love—something that she would cherish for life? Then it came to me—I’d ask Debbie to write a Wedding Day poem for her. Debbie’s skillfully crafted questioning allowed me to dig deep so that I could provide the information she needed to craft a meaningful message to Libby. But Debbie did all the heavy lifting. After a few drafts and a little tweaking, she had the final product. Debbie had somehow captured everything, if not more, than I ever could have expected. It was brilliant! But I was not surprised; she has this gift. Today, the framed poem, “To Libby, On Your Wedding Day” holds a place of honor in their home and Libby reminds me often how much she and husband Marcus treasure this special gift. If there is a special event or person you want to celebrate, I highly recommend you contact Debbie. She’ll do an amazing job for you. You won’t be disappointed.”

~ Ardie Johnson, Edina, MN
